Tag: Volumetric Video Capturing
Basis of XR and Volumetric Video: Structure From Motion
Structure from Motion (SfM) is the process of estimating the 3-D structure of a scene from a set of 2-D images. To be more clear on definition: Structure from motion (SfM) is a photogrammetric range imaging technique for estimating three-dimensional structures from two-dimensional image sequences that may be coupled with local motion signals. It is…
How will Volumetric Video and Augmented Reality be part of our life ?
Pandemic has changed our behaviors dramatically, some of them will remain and some of them will disappear. During pandemic contactless was first priority and restaurants have started using a unique way of showing their menu, with QR codes. Some of them never go back to paper menus because it is a simple and contact-free innovation.…
Volumetric Video With WEB Audio
Web Audio Concepts The Web Audio API is a powerful, high-performance way of manipulating sound in the browser. Before continuing this tutorial, you might want to check out the previous blog posts. – Part 1: Overview of the Spaceport Volumetric Video Capturing and Streaming – Part 2: Spaceport Volumetric Video Container Structure – Part 3:…
How to Improve Generated Point Cloud Quality for Volumetric Video with Azure Kinect Sensors
The emergence of RGB-D cameras offers the opportunity to easily develop 3D reconstruction systems for indoor scenes. However, the accuracy and the resolution of depth images are always constrained by the depth sensing techniques used in RGB-D cameras. Also, the raw depth images are often incomplete when surfaces are shiny, bright, transparent or far from…
How to Sync Your Multiple Camera Setup As in Volumetric Video
In the era of multiple camera setups, syncing multiple camera sensors are becoming more and more important. If you want to create a multiple camera setup, with respect to problem requirements, the need for spatio-temporal alignment of the cameras arises. Spatio alignment is solved by calibrating the camera in terms of extrinsic and stereo calibration,…
WebAR and integration to 8th Wall
We are pleased to announce our latest integration with 8thWall, which offers a complete set of tools to create interactive web-based augmented reality. For years the world has been abuzz with AR apps. These apps range from games to training applications. The most important thing is that whatever the specifics, these apps should run directly…
Spaceport : How To Capture Volumetric Video ?
Volumetric Video Capturing And Streaming Today is a perfect day for Spaceport Volumetric Video Capturing And Streaming. We are proud to announce Spaceport 1.0 with Registration & Capture & Playback improvements. Before we publish this release, a big thank you to the community and to the users that have helped to announce the major version…
Spaceport: Volumetric Video Capture
Today We are delighted to announce a major new release Spaceport New Release. This release represents the culmination of just over one year of work since we first launched Spaceport Volumetric Capture. Inspired by great feedback from our community, our focus for this version was clear. We wanted to deliver changes that put our volumetric…
Spaceport: Volumetric Video Capturing and Streaming Solution
Volumetric video is a field of media production technique that captures a three-dimensional space such as a place, person or any object. The increasing popularity of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies has especially triggered the furthering of volumetric video capturing and streaming system as a key technology. Spaceport product developed by Ant Media…
Spaceport : Capturing Volumetric Video With Jetson Nano
We are incredibly delighted to announce the release of Spaceport bringing with it a range of improvements to capture Volumetric Video. If you haven’t heard about Spaceport-Volumetric Video before, you can read the previous entries:– Part1: Overview of the Spaceport Volumetric Video Capturing and Streaming– Part2: Spaceport Volumetric Video Container Structure– Part3: Spaceport Volumetric Video Live Streaming– Part4: Spaceport This version includes…